2017 NRA - Board Of Directors

February 6, 2017
Posted in: Opinion Political
If you’re eligible to vote for the 2017 National Rifle Association Board of Directors, you recently received a ballot via your preferred NRA magazine. There’s a total of 76 seats on the NRA Board of Directors, and each year 25 seats are up for election to a 3-year term (with one seat filled to a 1-year term by a vote of members attending the Annual Meeting). So, with a total 26 open seats in 2017, it’s important to select the most qualified and proactive individuals for the available spots on the board. To that point, we at Silencer Shop proudly endorse the following three distinguished candidates. NRA Logo

Todd Rathner

Mr. Rathner’s a no-compromise Second Amendment lobbyist and has been fighting for our God-given right to bear arms for over 20 years. He’s running for re-election to the NRA Board of Directors, where he’s served for 17 years. Some of Rathner’s most noteworthy attributes include:
  • Played a crucial role in enacting Arizona’s Constitutional Carry law, eliminating the need for government permission to carry a concealed weapon in the state
  • Played a critical role in enacting every major pro-gun reform in Arizona in the past 17 years, helping to make it the most gun-friendly state in America, according to the 2015 rating by Guns & Ammo magazine
  • Advocated for and passed pro-knife owner bills in 17 states; continues to do so today as the Director of Legislative Affairs for org(the NRA for knife owners)
  • Chairman and Chief Lobbyist for the NFA Freedom Alliance; worked in numerous states to make ownership of suppressors easier, and to allow hunting with suppressors
  • Currently working in numerous states on behalf of NFAFA to enable hunting with suppressors, as well as working to eliminate confusion in state laws regarding possession of NFA items (e.g., “defense to prosecution” law in Texas which stated that if you owned an NFA item, it was illegal, and you could use your NFA paperwork in court to defend yourself); fixed that law to state that if you have the paperwork, it’s legal
  • Three-time graduate of Gunsite Academy, a graduate of Tactical Response, and an NRA Certified Instructor
  • Serves on the critical NRA Legislative Policy Committee, in addition to the International Affairs Committee

Melanie Pepper

Although Mrs. Pepper didn’t hold a gun until she was 40 years old, the Women’s Leadership Forum Executive Committee Member has already made her mark in the hunting community, receiving the prestigious Safari Club International Diana Award. She’s passionate about conserving the beautiful land she hunts, and works to ensure her love of hunting is passed on to subsequent generations. A resident of Houston, Mrs. Pepper holds Second Amendment rights sacred, and offers the following admirable qualities:
  • Believes the only reason we have our gun rights is because the NRA ILA continually fights for us in Congress and obtains the pro-gun votes needed
  • Proud NRA Life Member, volunteer leader, donor, fundraiser, political activist, and passionate ambassador for 20 years
  • Founding Member and National Co-Chair, NRA Hunters Leadership Forum
  • Founding Member and Executive Committee Member, NRA Women’s Leadership Forum
  • Co-chaired NRA WLF 2013 Luncheon; raised $1.2 million (most successful fundraiser in NRA history)
  • Fundraiser for NRA Foundation and ILA; raised over $300,000 in Protect America and Defend America campaigns
  • Instrumental in successful passage of Texas Constitutional Amendment for hunting and fishing
  • Member, NRA Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Committee
  • Member, NRA Ring of Freedom and Heritage Society
  • SCI Diana Award recipient for hunting and conservation excellence
  • Former President, Houston Safari Club; International Huntress of the Year
  • Life Member, Texas State Rifle Association
  • Life Member, Wild Sheep Foundation; Keynote Speaker 2015 Ladies’ Luncheon

Graham Hill

Mr. Hill’s a life-long gun owner running for re-election to the National Rifle Association Board of Directors. Born and raised in South Texas, Mr. Hill promises that if re-elected, he’ll continue to serve you, the members of the NRA, and our nation in protecting and advancing the Second Amendment. As an attorney, a father of three sons, and an avid outdoorsman, he takes protecting those rights seriously. Among his many distinctions are:
  • Began shooting guns at 5 years old
  • Competitively shoots 3-gun matches
  • Enjoys hunting in Texas with his AR; shoots ARs and pistols competitively
  • Provides kids their first hunts on his deer lease twice a year
  • Served two terms on the NRA Board of Directors
  • Current Chairman of both the Legislative Policy and Federal Affairs Committees, which oversee all of NRA’s lobbying, political, and legal activities at the federal, state, and local levels
  • Worked directly with NRA’s chief lobbyist and government affairs leader Chris Cox for many years on protecting the Second Amendment at the federal and state level (2016 work helped to elect Donald J. Trump and ensured a pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch)
  • Holds 25-plus years of work experience with federal legislation and regulations
  • Serves on the NRA Legal Affairs committee, where the vital coordination of legal and legislative efforts takes place
  • Works with the chairman of the Legal Affairs committee and others to advance precedent-setting legal cases to protect Second Amendment rights
  • Serves our cause on the American Suppressor Association Board of Directors, and as President and CEO of the Fifty Caliber Institute
  • Former President and current board member of Washington Safari Club
  • Working to pass a National Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill, the Hearing Protection Act to deregulate suppressors, and to roll back onerous rules and regulations previously imposed

With such an impressive list of accolades for Todd Rathner, Melanie Pepper, and Graham Hill, it’s easy to see why Silencer Shop emphatically endorses each candidate. When casting your all-important votes, we urge you to consider these three highly-qualified individuals for the 2017 NRA Board of Directors. We and they appreciate your support. Don’t forget to vote!  
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