Do Suppressors Reduce Recoil?

April 2, 2024
Posted in: General
Do Suppressors Reduce RecoilDo Suppressors Reduce Recoil
  • Recoil Reduction with Suppressors: Learn how suppressors significantly lower noise levels and dramatically reduce gun recoil, making shooting smoother and more comfortable. 
  • Understanding Gun Recoil: Dive into the physics behind gun recoil, its effects on shooting accuracy and comfort, and how suppressors can mitigate these issues. 
  • Top Picks for Recoil Reduction: Discover the best suppressors on the market designed to minimize recoil and muzzle rise, tailored for precision shooting and hunting. 
  • Enhance Shooting Experience: Find out how the right suppressor can transform your shooting sessions, enhancing accuracy for hunters and competitors while ensuring ethical shots. 

When most people think about suppressors, the first thing that comes to mind is sound reduction.

Of course, silencers do a great job of significantly reducing the noise of gunfire and serve as a powerful tool for enhancing shooting safety and enjoyment on the range, but they're good for much more than just protecting your ears.

Suppressors can also massively reduce gun recoil or 'kick' to make your rifles, handguns, and shotguns shoot smoother and softer.

Do Suppressors Reduce Recoil?

Yes, suppressors drastically reduce felt recoil and create less muzzle rise.

Instead of the combustion gases jetting out of the barrel, suppressors work by capturing the combustion gasses and allowing them to cool gradually and expand much less violently. This process significantly dampens the force exerted onto the firearm, thus reducing the felt recoil and keeping the muzzle on target.

Silencers are becoming increasingly popular in shooting activities like hunting and competition shooting, where reducing recoil to remain accurate is crucial to success.

Predator and hog hunters who often take shots on multiple animals need quick follow-up to ensure ethical shots, and competitors use suppressors to gain an edge, with the massive recoil reduction helping them stay on target.

What Is Gun Recoil?

Recoil is an unavoidable aspect of firing a weapon, thanks to Newton's Third Law of Physics; every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The force from the gunpowder combusting drives the bullet forward, but it also drives the firearm backward into you. This is made worse as the high-pressure gases leave the barrel, creating a jet engine effect and thrusting the firearm toward you.

Because of lower force and less pressure, smaller calibers often produce less recoil, while high-power magnum cartridges kick much more.

Negatives of Recoil

Recoil makes firearms uncomfortable to shoot.

The force of the weapon slamming into your shoulder or hands can cause you to flinch, making you miss your target or miss a shot at an animal, and it can hurt.

Some of the most common issues recoil causes include:

  • Scope Bite: If your eye is too close to the scope and the rifle recoils hard, you'll need an ice pack for your black eye. It hurts the body and your pride.  
  • Flinching: As the gun jerks backward, the common reaction is to flinch. This lack of control can cause you to miss. It would be a shame to finally see a trophy buck and pull your shot due to recoil. The sudden jerk can also cause changes in the point of impact or POI
  • Muzzle Rise: Aside from causing you to flinch, recoil also causes your rifle to tilt upwards. The gun recoils backward into your shoulder, which acts as a fulcrum driving the barrel upwards. This makes follow-up shots and spotting hits and misses much more difficult. 
  • Cycling Issues: Improper grip can affect a gun's cycling process, most commonly with handguns. Some people grip a pistol lightly to try to alleviate recoil, which can cause the gun to malfunction.

Best Suppressors for Recoil Reduction 

While all silencers will significantly reduce recoil, some designs take it a step further to create as little recoil as possible.

These suppressors are excellent for large-caliber hunting rigs, precision shooting rifles, and range practice. Silencers for reducing recoil use external brakes at the muzzle of the silencer, taking the trapped gas and directing it outward to alleviate muzzle rise nearly completely.

SilencerCo Scythe Ti

The Scythe Ti uses a single-port anchor brake at the end of the suppressor to laterally disperse gases exiting the silencer.

The brake is very efficient and did wonders keeping us on target shooting rounds such as 6.5 Creedmoor and .308 Winchester.

The Scythe uses titanium construction to keep it light, making this silencer an excellent choice for a 30-caliber or lower hunting suppressor.

SilencerCo Omega 300

One of the original precision-focused silencers, the Omega 300 is still an ultra-popular choice for those seeking maximum recoil reduction.

The Omega 300 uses a blend of high-strength materials to make it very robust for high-pressure rounds or high rates of fire, then uses a multi-port anchor brake to diminish any recoil.

This suppressor has been a go-to for hunters and precision rifle shooters for years.

Dead Air E-Brake

Most of Dead Air's suppressor lineup uses R-Series interchangeable end caps, including the:

The Dead Air E-Brake is an accessory that can be attached to any silencer with R-Series endcaps. The E-Brake is an omnidirectional brake that drastically cuts muzzle rise and recoil, keeping you on target and your shoulder from getting bruised.

Daniel Defense SoundGuard

The Daniel Defense SoundGuard lineup, the SG-30 and SG-556, use integrated muzzle ports around the circumference of the silencer at the muzzle end to redirect combustion gases as they leave the silencer.

These ports are highly effective at removing recoil from your rifle. These ports can be plugged individually, allowing you to tune the brake dynamics to your specific setup and application.


Suppressors stand out as multifaceted tools in the world of shooting, offering more than just significant noise reduction.

By mitigating the recoil or 'kick' of firearms, they ensure a smoother, more comfortable shooting experience for rifles, handguns, and shotguns alike.

This reduction in recoil makes for a more enjoyable time at the range and enhances accuracy and control, crucial for hunters seeking ethical shots and competitors aiming for precision.

The ability of suppressors to tame the forceful backward push of a firearm and decrease muzzle rise underlines their value in shooting sports, making them a favored accessory among those looking to minimize discomfort and improve shot consistency. With their growing popularity in activities like hunting and competitive shooting, suppressors prove to be indispensable tools for shooters aiming for success and safety.

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