ATF eForms has launched! Tap into ATF eForms, now!
*Updated August 14, 2022
What is ATF eForms?
Here is what you need to know about ATF eForms. eForms makes owning an NFA item such as a suppressor or SBR quicker and easier than ever. Central to many silencer owners is the tax stamp process for Forms 1 and 4, and this video will provide an overview to the ATF eForms process.
For many gun owners, they’re looking to grow their collection by adding a short barrel shotgun, rifle, machine gun, or silencer to their firearms collection. By tapping into eForms, your NFA application will be digitized. This digitization also has the capacity to reduce the likelihood of errors and increase your security. How long are eForms taking? Customers whom have submitted ATF eForms Powered By Silencer Shop, have received their ATF tax stamp approved in 90 days. As of July 2022, ATF has communicated their processing time expectations here.
How will ATF eForms Reduce Wait Times for NFA Tax Stamps?
ATF eForms will reduce the effort and time required to review and process ATF applications for silencers, short barrel rifles, machine gun suppressors, or any other NFA items. How long does it take to get a tax stamp for a suppressor? Silencer Shop customers have received their ATF eForm 4 approved in as a quickly as 7 days, per the ATF, eForms is expected to approve an electronic Form 4 tax stamp within 90 days. To get you up to speed on ATF eForms, Silencer Shop created four, quick videos that answer many of your questions about the new ATF eForm 4, the Silencer Shop Kiosk, and other central questions about silencers.
Is the ATF Accepting eForms?
Yes, as of December 23, 2021, ATF relaunched the eForm portal to accept submissions of eForm 4. ATF Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 can be submitted via eForms. And this streamlined process will help you get your can in your hands, faster than ever. As of January 3, 2022, Silencer Shop has been actively facilitating the submission of ATF eForm 4s.
How Long Does It Take To Get Suppressor Tax Stamp?
Per the ATF, eForm 4s are expected to approve tax stamps in 90 days. Some applications submitted by Powered By Silencer Shop dealers have been approved in as little as 7 days. There’s tremendous excitement about these timelines and you may be wondering: can you buy multiple suppressors at once? Yes, you can buy multiple suppressors at once. Whether that’s 1, 10 of the same or 100 different suppressors, there is no limit on the number of suppressors or other NFA items you can buy in one transaction.
How to Create an ATF eForms Account
Have access to your email address.
Create your ATF eForms account log in here. Make sure your full name and email on this account are identical to the information on your silencershop.com account.
You will then receive your username via email from the ATF and choose a password and PIN through their site.
How to Update an existing ATF eForms Account
Request a new password from ATF eForms password reset
Once you log in with your new password, the system will ask you to update your user profile information and create a security PIN.
Make sure your full name and email on this account are identical to the information on your silencershop.com account.
How to Contact the ATF about eForms
Registration questions about your eForms account, please contact: registration.eforms.item@atf.gov
eForms National Firearms Act questions: NFA.eforms.item@atf.gov
eForms NFA Special Occupational Tax questions: NSOT.eforms.item@atf.gov
How to eFile an ATF eForm 4 & How to Buy a Suppressor from Silencer Shop with eForms
- Register For Your ATF eForms Account: Please be sure your first name, last name, and email address are identical for your ATF eForms account and your Silencer Shop account.
- Choose your suppressor and registration method (Trust, Corporation or Individual), then add an NFA tax stamp and checkout. During checkout, you’ll select a Powered By Silencer Shop Dealer. This dealer will facilitate the submission of the eForm application and you'll pickup your NFA item at this location.
- Silencer Shop will send a DocuSign to you. Please ensure all of your information is correct, then digitally sign. This is applicable for Trust orCorporation.
"eForm 4 Ready to Certify Now": Silencer Shop will send an email to you stating that your "eForm 4 is Ready to Certify Now." When you receive it, please contact the Powered by Silencer Shop dealer to set a time to complete this step. If you received the "Ready to Certify" email from Silencer Shop and after contacting the dealer, you aren't able to submit, we're here to help. Just complete this form. All Powered By Silencer Shop dealers have been able to submit eForm 4s since the middle of January 2022, and we'd be glad to reach out to that particular location to remind them about previously provided comms.
Certify With the Powered by Silencer Shop Dealer. You may certify remotely with your dealer for all registration methods: Trust, Corporation or Individual.. You’ll use your username and PIN, so please be sure it’s accessible. Do not share your PIN or other account information with your dealer.
Can I submit my eForm remotely or do you have to submit your eForm in person?
You can certify remotely for any registration method: Trust, Corporation or Individual (*please note: from Jan 2022-June 2, 2022, Individual registrants had to certify in person. Effective June 3, 2022, Individuals may certify remotely) Your PIN is confidential and when you use the Full Auto™ software at the Powered By Silencer Shop dealer, only you will have access to it.
I have a pending paper Form 4 application, should I withdraw to submit via eForms?
If your application has already been mailed to the ATF, stay the course. ATF has stated that any withdrawals of pending paper applications will result in a one-year delay.
I prefer paper applications, does Silencer Shop process paper Form 4s?
Yes, paper applications are still available. By default, all orders facilitated by Silencer Shop will be electronically submitted to the ATF as an eForm 4. If you prefer to submit a paper Form 4 application, in your Silencer Shop customer portal, select "Paper" instead of "Electronic."
What Does Silencer Shop Ready To Certify Mean?
After you complete your application and the dealer and Silencer Shop Compliance have reviewed/actioned your application, you will receive an email from us that states you’re “Ready To Certify.” When you receive it, please contact the Powered By Silencer Shop dealer to certify the application with them. Upon completion, you’ll receive an email confirmation from the ATF that your application has been “submitted.”
Silencer Shop Accuracy Rate: Preventing You from ATF eForm Rejection
Silencer Shop leads the industry in ensuring fast and accurate submissions and will continue to do so with this new system. The Silencer Shop application accuracy rate is 99.5% (industry average is 60%) and with eForms, accurate submissions are very important. ATF has made clear there will be very little opportunity to fix errors after the eForm 4 is submitted. That means even minor problems with submissions could force you to wait 90 days for processing, just to find out you have an error and must revise your application and then wait another 90 days. Utilizing Silencer Shop’s technology will maximize the likelihood of approval the first time
Full Auto™ is a powerful and ground-breaking eForm-prep software tool. It ensures your eForm and supporting documents are accurately prepared and allows you to easily certify your form without risking “termination” of your eForms account by sharing your confidential PIN. Plus, it handles electronic fingerprints so you don’t have to waste time mailing cards and risking a loss in the mail. Coupled with Silencer Shop’s expert compliance team, the Full Auto™ software minimizes the possibility of errors, which can double your submission time under the new “one chance” eForms system. If a form is found to have missing or incorrect information, the application will be returned to the transferor for correction and returned for processing, which is just not possible in the eForm 4 application, and still maintain a 90-day turnaround. Per the ATF, if the eForm 4 is not 100% completed correctly or it is disapproved it will be returned to you for correction and you will have to resubmit, which will entail an additional 90 day wait time.
How To Contact Silencer Shop
As the industry leader in NFA products, we are here to help! If you’re wondering how to contact Silencer Shop, we’re available via chat here, email support@silencershop.com, or phone at 512-931-4556. Pro tips and more information about eForms is available on our YouTube channel. Get breaking news on ATF eForms by following us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter to get up-to-date notifications! If you have additional questions about eForms, please check out our eForms FAQ page!