Iowa: No Longer Suppressor Suppressed

April 26, 2016
Iowa Legalizes SuppressorsIf you heard a celebratory “Woohoo!” from our friends in Iowa on March 31st, you can thank Governor Terry Branstad for their excitement. At 3:00 p.m. that Thursday, he signed House File 2279 into law and made Iowa the 42nd state in which civilians can possess lawfully obtained suppressors, and the 39th state to allow for use of suppressors while hunting. The new law immediately went into effect, so silencer enthusiasts statewide are now able to possess their desired suppressor(s) for private use. Here at Silencer Shop, we’ve undoubtedly noticed an influx of suppressor inquiries and purchases from eager Iowans the past three weeks. We’re thrilled to be able to help them obtain their rightful cans in a worry-free manner. Moreover, Silencer Shop attended the American Suppressor Association’s Iowa rally held last weekend. It was inspiring to see such a big turnout (more than expected, considering numerous extra wristbands were needed) in support of this momentous time in the state’s history. We truly appreciate the hospitality afforded us from the great people of Iowa, in addition to the tremendous manufacturers and organizers in attendance. A heartfelt thank you is in order to all of the individuals and organizations that worked tirelessly to see your rights restored in Iowa. This is definitely a proud moment for a proud state. However, our work’s not done quite yet. There are still eight states where suppressors are illegal (and 11 states where suppressors are illegal for hunting). Therefore, if you haven’t yet joined the ASA, we encourage you to do so. They determinedly fight for your NFA rights throughout the country. Find out more about the ASA and how to join here.
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