NRA Board of Directors Election

January 31, 2018
Posted in: General

NRAA new year, a new election. If you’re eligible to vote for the 2018 National Rifle Association Board of Directors, you recently received a ballot via your preferred NRA magazine. There’s a total of 76 seats on the NRA Board of Directors, and each year 25 seats are up for election to a 3-year term (with one seat filled to a 1-year term by a vote of members attending the Annual Meeting).

Therefore, with a total 26 open seats in 2018, it’s important to select the most qualified and proactive individuals for the available spots on the board. If you’d like some insight regarding candidates, we at Silencer Shop proudly endorse the following three distinguished individuals for election.

Scott Bach

Mr. Bach (New Jersey) is running for re-election to the NRA Board of Directors, where he continues his nearly two-decade fight for our God-given right to bear arms. His relentless defense of liberty against those attempting to extinguish it is evident in his leadership of one million gun owners, hunters, and sportspeople in the Northeast. Bach has accomplished much in a very hostile environment for the Second Amendment. Further impressive attributes he offers include:

  • Improved carry laws in three (3) states
  • Defeated numerous gun bans against difficult odds
  • Obtained historic pro-2A vetoes, executive actions, and pardons
  • Helped reinstate NJ bear hunt after 30-year ban
  • Sued several states/cities over unconstitutional gun laws
  • Sued Port Authority of NY and NJ for harassing gun owners
  • NRA Board member
  • NRA benefactor member
  • Founding Chair, NRA Right to Carry Committee
  • Vice Chair, NRA Public Affairs Committee
  • Executive Director, Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs
  • Knife Rights Advisory Board member
  • Former Police Captain
  • Numerous national media appearances
  • Regularly debates anti-gun extremists
  • Attorney licensed in multiple states
  • Trained with Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper, Gunsite Academy founder
  • Trained with Clint Smith, Thunder Ranch president/director
  • Outspoken advocate for right to carry
  • Former congressional staffer
  • Former intern, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second District
  • Former intern, U.S. Attorney, Southern District of NY

Grover Norquist

Residing in Washington, D.C., Mr. Norquist is a political advocate who has been elected to the NRA Board six times and is seeking a seventh term in 2018. He’s a great asset to the gun rights movement, devoting his time and attention to preserving the Second Amendment during his extended seat on the NRA’s BOD. Some of Norquist’s most recognized achievements are:

  • Politically active since teenage years
  • Harvard University graduate (BA and MBA)
  • Founder/president, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR)
  • Board of Directors, American Conservative Union
  • Board of Directors, Hispanic Leadership Fund
  • Board of Directors, Indian-American Caucus
  • Board of Directors,
  • Described as “The most powerful man in America who does not sleep in the White House.”
  • Quoted as saying, “The Left is now seeking to tax guns out of existence.”
  • NRA Life member
  • Seeking seventh term as NRA Board of Directors member
  • Authored Leave Us Alone: Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives
  • Chair, Wednesday Meeting (gathering of 150+ elected officials, political activists, and leaders)
  • Fifty Caliber Shooters Association member
  • Council on Foreign Affairs member
  • Former economist and chief speech-writer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Former campaign staff, 1988, 1992, and 1996 Republican Platform Committee
  • Former executive director, College Republicans

Adam Kraut

Mr. Kraut firmly believes that the National Rifle Association needs the next generation of Second Amendment advocates to become involved in the direction of the organization. A resident of Pennsylvania, Kraut has dedicated his career to fighting for firearms rights. If elected, he’ll uphold the assertion that NFA firearms (including machine guns) are guaranteed to the people in the Second Amendment. His other distinctions include:

  • Politically active since high school years
  • Attorney (focused and devoted practice to firearms-related matters)
  • Former gun store general manager
  • Certified Glock armorer
  • Certified FN SCAR armorer
  • Former certified Smith & Wesson M&P armorer
  • Host, The Legal Brief (airs weekly on The Gun Collective)
  • Creator, The Gun Collective Podcast
  • NRA member since 2009
  • NRA benefactor member since 2017
  • Life member, Second Amendment Foundation
  • Life member, Firearms Owners Against Crime
  • Authored Can I Still Own a Gun?
  • Endorsed by extensive list of supporters
  • Committee member, Boy Scouts of America Troop 149
  • Eagle Scout
  • Platform key points: bring firearms education back to schools, introduce public outreach events to inform the public about guns, produce a positive firearms ad campaign, allow easy accessibility to Board of Directors for general service

With such an impressive list of accolades for Scott Bach, Grover Norquist, and Adam Kraut, it’s easy to see why Silencer Shop emphatically endorses each candidate. When casting your all-important votes, we urge you to consider these three highly-qualified individuals for the 2018 National Rifle Association Board of Directors election. Their lifelong accomplishments and stellar reputations within the firearms community speak for themselves. Show your support… Remember to vote!

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