Top Selling Suppressor Manufacturers List

November 2, 2020
Posted in: General
Suppressor Manufacturers ListSuppressor Manufacturers List

If you’ve been following along with our best of suppressor series, you might have seen this blog post coming. Since we’ve already listed our top suppressor sellers for each category, it’s time to dive into our top suppressor manufacturers list! You may already know these silencer manufacturers like the back of your hand, but we’re here to give you another piece of that delicious pie.

In this post, you'll find our top selling manufacturers (alphabetically), a little bit of their history, and why these suppressor manufacturers have sold the most units at our shop. We should note that 2020 has been an interesting year in terms of supply (and demand), so let’s get this party started.

Top selling suppressor manufacturers list in 2020:

Dead Air suppressorsDead Air suppressors

Dead Air Silencers

With a wide variety of suppressors, Dead Air checks the boxes for your silencer needs, which has helped them gain quite the following. It might not be a surprise to you that Dead Air silencers is at the top of our suppressor manufacturers list. If you’ve been keeping track of our top selling suppressor blog posts, you’ve seen Dead Air suppressors sprinkled throughout each category. With suppressors like their Sandman series, and their incredible Key-Mo mounting system, it’s no wonder Dead Air has been so successful and topped our list.

Dead Air was founded in 2014, making it a relatively new company in the grand scheme of things. Although it’s considered a newer business, some of the names behind it aren’t new to the scene. In fact, they’ve become legends in certain circles. Mike Pappas and Todd Magee have both been in the industry for years, and with so much experience comes some incredible suppressors.

Griffin Armament SuppressorsGriffin Armament Suppressors

Griffin Armament

Brother duo Austin and Evan Green formed Griffin Armament out of hearing protection necessity, and it’s flourished into one of our top selling manufacturers. Coming from a combat vet background, the pair have quite the options to choose from, making it easy to find a suppressor to fit your needs perfectly. Their pistol caliber suppressor, the Griffin Optimus, and both their Recce 7 and Recce 5 show a breadth of not only knowledge but technological finesse that have earned their top 5 spot.

As one of the older suppressor manufacturers in this list, Griffin Armament was founded back in 2006. Austin and Evan Green have a depth of suppressor experience that has earned Griffin Armament quite the following among our customers. With the sheer amount of options and accessories, you’ll be hard pressed to find a suppressor that doesn’t work with your system if you’re looking at Griffin Armament suppressors, and that’s just one reason why they’ve earned this top five spot.

Rugged Suppressors, suppressor manufacturers listRugged Suppressors, suppressor manufacturers list

Rugged Suppressors

The brains behind the beauty that is Rugged Suppressors are Henry Graham and Michael Derdziak, two more legends to add to the suppressor manufacturer’s list. Rugged Suppressors has gained notoriety due to their durability, reliability, and Dual Taper Locking System, so it’s no wonder why we’re seeing them make our top selling suppressor manufacturers list. Suppressors like the Rugged Surge and Rugged Obsidian 9 are just two examples that show their attention to detail and aim toward excellence.

As a common theme you’ll see, Rugged was formed in 2014, but Michael and Henry’s suppressor prowess spans well beyond Rugged’s inception. We know a lot of our customers are looking for some of the most durable suppressors, and Rugged tends to fit the bill for them. You’ve seen Rugged silencers salt and peppered throughout our top selling suppressors lists, so it’s probably not a shock that they’ve claimed this spot; we sure aren’t surprised!

SilencerCo SuppressorsSilencerCo Suppressors


SilencerCo has a wide variety of silencers that could fit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a dedicated silencer for one host firearm, or a silencer that fits almost every host firearm in your arsenal, SilencerCo most likely has you covered. It’s suppressors like their multi caliber silencer, the SilencerCo Hybrid, their rimfire suppressor, the SilencerCo Sparrow, or their shotgun Salvo 12 suppressor that set the tone (pun intended) for greatness. SilencerCo has proven to be ahead of the ages because these suppressors have only gotten more popular as time has gone on.

You may recognize the names Jonathon Shults and Josh Waldren because they’re the folks who founded SilencerCo in 2008. With their suppressor expertise, they’ve managed to build a company that’s been in the NFA game for a long time and still continues to be highly successful, as you can see by their top ranking here in this post. SilencerCo is one of the oldest companies on this list, but it seems as though they’ve aged like fine wine as time has gone on.

Yankee Hill Machine Suppressors, YHM suppressorsYankee Hill Machine Suppressors, YHM suppressors

Yankee Hill Machine

Another brother duo to tac on to the suppressor manufacturer list is Chris and Kevin Graham, the owners of Yankee Hill Machine. YHM is known for its high quality and affordable prices, which is no wonder how it made our top suppressor manufacturers list. Their suppressors like the YHM Resonator and YHM Turbo are just two examples of why YHM has put themselves on the map.

By far the oldest company on this list, Yankee Hill Machine was founded in 1951 and is a third-generation run family business. The leaders at the helm today, Chris and Kevin, took over the business back in 2013 and have kept up with their family’s legacy. With decades upon decades in the firearms industry, customers have grown to rely on YHM for budget friendly, high performance suppressors.

Bonus: Top Selling Suppressor Manufacturer’s List in 2019

As is tradition, we’ll also be giving you the manufacturers who have sold the most suppressors in 2019 too. 2020 isn’t over yet, so there could always be changes, but let’s go over last year’s stats. These manufacturers are also listed in alphabetical order for your perusal.

Our top 2019 suppressor manufacturers:

  • Dead Air Suppressor
  • Q
  • Rugged
  • SilencerCo
  • YHM

Q suppressorsQ suppressors


Having been in the NFA game for quite a long time, Kevin Brittingham formed Q with many notches of experience on his belt that has helped a relatively newer company soar to our top selling list. Q made a name for itself with products like their Trash Panda and Thunder Chicken, to just name a few. They have also worked to improve the industry with inventions like their 8.6 blackout ammo.

Founded in 2016, Q has built a line of suppressors that has gained popularity due to its lightweight, high performance design. Another name that might ring a bell is Ethan Lessard. Kevin and Ethan have spent years working together, pre-Q. So, it’s no wonder that Kevin and Ethan joining their superpowers once again created the Q we all know and admire today.

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