Add the JK 155 RPX 45 to your cart. Make sure to include a tax stamp for each item and a Single Shot Trust if applicable. The Single Shot Trust makes it easy to add friends and family as additional users of the suppressor.
Head to your selected Powered By Silencer Shop dealer with a kiosk to complete your demographic and fingerprint scan in just five minutes. Snap a selfie and upload it online within your customer portal with the Silencer Shop app.
Silencer Shop will email an electronic document to you. Please review and digitally sign the file from your computer or mobile device.
Set up your ATF eForms account at Make sure your email, name, and address match your Silencer Shop profile information exactly.
You'll receive an email from Silencer Shop that says "Ready to Certify" and includes the phone number of your local Powered by Silencer Shop dealer. Set up a time to certify with your dealer and submit the form to the ATF for processing